A Home Edit May be Right for You
If you agree with any one of these statements...
I have trouble finding my everyday items.
I feel frantic when I am trying to collect my belongings before leaving my home.
I feel lost or confused when trying to complete household chores and tasks.
My home feels overwhelming.
My home does not seem to have a collective style.
A home demo and renovation is out of my budget.
I have gotten organized before, but can not stay organized.
Why a Home Edit
Edit Your Own Story
In today's world, the "at home" experience is more important than ever before. Home is not only a place but a feeling of safety and peace. Having your dwelling organized and styled can turn your house, apartment, or condo, into a home. Many of us think our home needs an expensive demo and complete renovation. The truth is, your home is already beautiful. You just need us to refresh your home to make it more functional and feeling like you.
What Makes Us Different
Why Us
We work with you, not just for you
A plan made to meet your goals and stay in budget
Committed to you by working under contract
Inclusive and accepting environment
We donate or recycle any unwanted items for a more sustainable future
Professional experience in design and construction